This is a plastic, 3D-printed version of a regulation Adomoc game board. It has a flat playing surface so it will accommodate various designs of playing pieces on top of it.
Note that the playing board parts in this link are sold separately from the playing pieces. To have a complete, playable, Adomoc board, you need to purchase at least one light half and one dark half.
The red connector piece makes a nice way to fold up the game and keep it together. It also provides storage for the playing pieces but it is not required to have a complete game board. The red connector adds $77 to the cost.
This version of the board has a flat playing surface so it will accommodate various designs of playing pieces on top of it. Because of the 3D-printing process there are no line colours on the board. Instead it features grooves to represent the spaces, cycles, columns, and spirals.
Note that the playing board parts in this link are sold separately from the playing pieces. To have a complete, playable, Adomoc board, you need to purchase at least one light half and one dark half. The red connector piece makes a nice way to fold up the game and keep it together while also providing storage for the playing pieces inside but it is not required to have a complete game board. The red connector adds $77 to the cost.
3D Printed Board with 3D Printed Pieces Stored Inside This item is for a complete set (light and dark) of Adomoc playing pieces (Todorovic style) created through’s 3D-printing process. The game board shown here is only for demonstration and must ordered separately. 3D Printed Board, Folded Light Half 3D Printed Board, Folded Dark Half 3D Printed Board Light and Dark Together 3D Printed Board Light and Dark Apart